
Hello, my name is Num from Thailand. I worked as a
nurse assistant and elderly care. I am certified in NA.
I prefer to live out.
I used to work as a temporary job to do as an elderly care to take care of elderly, stroke, alzheimer, psychiatric patients, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves, and bedridden patients aged 22 years old to 101 years old for 2.2 years at RH Healthcare, Roujin Nursing Home, Hospitals, and with Thai-Chinese families in Bangkok.
In addition, I have experience as a nurses assistant to take care elderly, alzheimer, and bedridden patients aged between 60 years old to 94 years old for 1.6 years
at RIEI Home Care, Bangkok.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of the elderly, stroke, alzheimer, psychiatric patients, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves, and bedridden patients such as bed baths, cleaning wounds, suction, tube feeding, measuring blood pressure, measuring blood sugar level, massage, physical therapy, enema, grocery shopping, and prepared liquid diet for the patients.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Nan from Thailand. I worked as a maid and nanny. I am certified in NA. I prefer to live out.
I used to work as a temporary job to do as a maid
for 2.6 years at Funday Kids Hub Nursery, Bangkok,
and Thai-Foreign families.
In my past experience, did household chores, laundry, dusting, gardening, and ironing for their family.
I also work as a temporary job to do as a nanny to take care of kids aged between 1.3 years old to 4 years old
for 3 months at Story Time Preschool, Bangkok.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids in the school, cleaning items for kids, prepared breast milk, prepared snacks, did child development, and made activities with the kids.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Jane from Thailand. I worked as a
nurse assistant and elderly care. I am certified in NA.
I can live in or live out.
I used to work as a temporary job to do as an elderly care
to take care of patients, independent, bedridden patients, dialysis patients, patients, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves, aged between 55 years old to 90 years old for 1.3 years with Thai and
Thai-Chinese families.
I also have experience as a nurses assistant to take care elderly, dialysis patients, psychiatric patients, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves, and bedridden patients aged between 50 years old to 105 years old
for 3 years at Ramkhamhaeng 118 Nursing Home,
In my past experience, took care daily routine of elderly, independent, bedridden patients, dialysis patients, patients, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves such as bed baths, insulin injections, cleaning wounds, suction,
tube feeding, measure blood pressure, measure vital signs,
measure blood sugar level, massage, physical therapy,
enema, and cooked for them.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Hannah from Myanmar. I worked as

a nanny and nurse assistant. I am certified in NA.
I can speak English on an intermediate level.
I can live in or live out.

I have experience as a nanny to take care kids aged between 4 years old to 7.2 years old for 2 months with

a Thai family.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, reported daily routines, did child development, made activities, cleaning items kids, took a bath, took a nap, taught homework, taught English, taught Science, taught Mathematics, did online classes, and did household chores for the kids.

Also, I have experience as a nurse assistant for 2 years to take care of common patients in an Emergency Room and Medicine Room at General Medical and General Surgical Ward (2000-bedded) Yangon Hospital.

In my past experience, took care of the daily routine of common patients in the Emergency Room and Medicine Room, prepared medicines, bed baths, CPR, insulin injections, cleaning wounds, suction, tube feeding, measuring blood pressure, measuring vital signs, measuring blood sugar level, and taking the patients by ambulance.

I’m uncomfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Thim from Thailand. I worked as a nurse assistant, elderly care, nanny newborn, and maid.
I am certified in NA. I can live in or live out.
I used to work as a temporary job to do as a maid
for 3 months with a Thai family.
I also have experience as a maid for 1 year with a
Thai-Chinese family.
In my past experience, did household chores, laundry, ironing, dusting, and gardening.
I used to work to take care newborn until they grow up
for 4 years with a Thai-Chinese family.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of kid, prepared breast milk, did child development, made activities, cleaning items for kid, and cooked for the kid.
Also, I have experience as an elderly care to take care of the elderly, diabetes, liver disease, and bedridden patients aged between 80 years old to 86 years old for 4.5 years with 2 Thai-Chinese families.
In addition, I also work as a temporary job to do as an elderly care to take care of elderly, parkinson, psychiatric, and surgery patients aged between 63 years old
to 91 years old for 8.6 months with 2 Thai and
Thai-Chinese families.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of the elderly, diabetes, liver disease, bedridden patients, parkinson, psychiatric, and surgery patients such as prepared medicines, bed baths, sugar piercing, cleaning wounds, suction, tube feeding, measuring blood pressure, measuring vital signs, measuring blood sugar level, slept with elderly, and cooked for them.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Joy from Thailand. I worked as a nurse assistant, elderly care, and nanny. I am certified in NA.
I can speak English on a pre-intermediate level.
I can live in or live out.
I have experience as a temporary nurses assistant to take care of elderly Thai and Foreign people, alzheimer patients, stroke patients, cancer, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves, and bedridden patients aged between
70 years old to 100 years old for 3 months at Baan Rak Jing Nursing Home, Chonburi Province.
Also, I used to work as a temporary job to do as an elderly care to take care of bedridden, and stroke patient aged between 89 years old for 2 months with a Thai family.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of elderly, alzheimer patients, stroke patients, cancer, paralyzed, patients who are unable to such as bed baths, cleaning wounds, suction, tube feeding, measuring blood pressure, measuring vital signs, measuring blood sugar level, massage, physical therapy, enema, and prepared liquid diet for the patients.
In addition, I have experience as a nanny to take care
of kid aged between 4 years old for 1 month
with a Chinese family.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of kid, cleaning items for kid, did child development, made activities, taught English, did household chores, and cooked for the kid.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Nok from Thailand. I worked as an elderly care, temporary maid, and helper. I am certified in NA. I can speak English on an intermediate level. I prefer to live out.

I have experience to take care elderly, Alzheimer’s patient, diabetes patient, aged between 87 years old to 89 years old for 2 years with an American family.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of the elderly, patient, diabetes patient, insulin injection, measuring vital signs, measuring blood pressure, measuring blood sugar level, physical therapy, helped to take a bath, slept with patient, and helped to take the patient to the hospital.

Also, I have experience as a temporary maid for 1 year with 3 Thai families.

In addition, I worked as a helper to take care kid aged between 7 years old to 7.3 years for 3 months with a Bangladesh family.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kid, reported daily routines, slept with kid, did child development, made activities, cleaning items for kid, did household chores, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping, and cooked for their families.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.


Hello, my name is Natha from Thailand. I worked as a nurse assistant, elderly care, nanny newborn, and nanny.
I am certified in NA. I can speak English on a
pre-intermediate level. I can live in or live out.
I have experience as a nurses assistant to take care of kids aged between 1 year old to 5 years old for 6 months at Lung Phithak Child Care Center, Phuket Province.
I also have experience to take care newborn to 1 year old for 1 year at my own house.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, prepared breast milk, reported daily routines, slept with the kids, did child development, made activities, laundry, cleaning items for kids, and cooked for the kids.
In addition, I used to work as an elderly care to take care elderly, bedridden patient aged between 84 years old to 85 years old for 1.4 years with a Thai family.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of elderly, bedridden patient such as prepared foods, prepared medicines, bed baths, measuring blood pressure, enema, tube feeding, clean the wound, slept with elderly, and
did household chores.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Goi from Thailand. I worked as a nurse assistant and nanny. I am certified in NA. I can speak English on a pre-intermediate level. I prefer to live out.
I have experience as an internship nurse assistant for 3 months at Chiang Rai Inter Hospital, Chiang Rai Province.
In my past experience, I took care of the daily routine of common patients in the Emergency Room (Branch IPD and OPD), I prepared medicines, bed baths, cleaned wounds, tube feeding, measured blood pressure, measured blood sugar levels, and recorded information.
I also have experience as a nurse assistant to take care of elderly, independent patients, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves, and bedridden patients aged between 55 years old to 90 years old for 2 months at Tharasiri Nursing care, Bangkok.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of elderly, independent patients, paralyzed, patients who are unable to help themselves, and bedridden patients such as bed baths, cleaning wounds, tube feeding, measuring blood pressure, measuring vital signs, and physical therapy.
In addition, I used to work as a nanny to take care of kids aged between 1 year old until they grow up for 3 months at Rise and Shine Nursery, Bangkok.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, prepared breast milk, did child development, made activities, taught homework, cleaned items for kids, and play with them.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m a hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Kung from Thailand. I worked as a nurse assistant and elderly care. I am certified in NA.
I prefer to live in.
I have experience as a nurses assistant to take care of common patients, after eye surgery patient department
for 10 years at Rutnin Eye Hospital, Bangkok.
I have experience as an elderly care to take care of elderly, alzheimer, stroke, lung disease, surgery, paralysis patients, and bedridden patients aged between 60 years old to
98 years old for 5.3 years with 3 Thai families.
In my past experience, took care daily routine of elderly, alzheimer, stroke, lung disease, surgery, paralysis patients, and bedridden patients such as bed baths, tube feeding,
insulin injections, cleaning wounds, suctions,
measuring blood pressure, measuring vital signs,
measuring blood sugar level, physical therapy, enema,
did household chores, and cooked for them.
I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.