
Hello, my name is Da, from Myanmar. I’m looking for a nanny maid job. I have experience of almost 11 years. I prefer both to live in and live out. My first job was as a nanny taking care of 1.6 year old with a Thai-Indian family for 2 years. My second job was as a maid for 2 years with a Thai-Chinese family. My third job was as a nanny for 6 years and a half with a Thai-Chinese family, taking care of a child from 3 years old and a half to 9 years old and half. After then, I got a temporary nanny job for 5 months for 3 cases with Thai families. I can handle childcare from 1 year old above. Daily routine cleaning items kids, reading storybooks, childcare, feeding, changing clothes, taking a shower, taking a Nap, cooking for kids, child development. I can sleep with kids and can travel on vacation with family. I can join to work with a family who has pets. I’m hardworking and flexible and a very patient, reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Sang, from Thailand. I’m looking for a nanny newborn or nanny maid job. I have experience of 4.3 years. I prefer both to live in and live out. My first job was as a nanny maid taking care of 1.2 years old child with a Thai family for 2 years. And my last job was as a nanny newborn taking care of baby 6 months old with a Thai-Chinese family for 2.3 years. Daily routine cleaning items kids, reading storybooks, childcare, feeding, changing clothes, taking a shower, taking a Nap, cooking for kids, child development. I can sleep with kids and can travel on vacation with family. I can join to work with a family who has pets. I’m hardworking and flexible and a very patient, reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Phyu, from Myanmar. I’m looking for elderly care or nanny maid job. I have experience of 7 years and a half. I prefer to live in. My first job was as a nanny maid for 3 years with a Thai family. My duty was to be a mother’s assistant in taking care of the newborn baby and doing household chores. My second job was in elderly care to take care of an old woman she has muscle weakness for 2 years with a Thai family. And my last job was elderly care to take care of old people, She had Alzheimer’s disease and a stroke for 2 years and a half with a Thai family. Daily routines of them such as cleaning, helping to walk, feeding, giving to a bath, doing physical therapy, preparing food and medicine, and keeping watch overnight. I can cook basic Thai food. I can travel on vacation with family. I can work with a family who has pets. I’m hardworking and flexible and a very patient, reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Chan, from Lao. I’m looking for a maid or elderly care job. I prefer to live in. I have experience of 4 years and a half. My first job was in elderly care to take care of a woman 95 years old for 1 year with a Thai family. My second job was elderly care to take care of a man 90 years old for 5 months with a Thai family. My third job was in elderly care for 6 months with a Thai family, to take care of a man 80 years old, he is Alzheimer’s. My last job was in elderly care for 2 years with a Thai family. Daily routines such as cleaning, helping to walk, feeding, giving to a bath, preparing food, and medicine. About the experience maid job, I was a temporary maid for 5 months with two Thai families. Daily routine household chores, grocery shopping. I can cook basic Thai food. I can travel on vacation with family. I can work with a family who has pets. I’m hardworking and flexible and a very patient, reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Porn from Myanmar. I looking for a maid or nanny maid job. I prefer to live in. I have experience of 5 years. My first job was working as a maid for 3 years with a Thai-Chinese family. My second job was as a maid for 1 year with a Thai family. My last job was as a nanny maid to take care of 3 years old child with a Thai family for 1 year. Daily routine cleaning items kid, playing outdoor and indoors, feeding, taking a shower, taking a nap, cooking for the kid. I can travel on vacation with family. I can work with a family who has pets. I am a very patient and reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Wan, from Myanmar. I’m looking for a nanny newborn or nanny maid job. I have experience of 11 years and 4 months. I prefer both to live in and live out. My first job was as a nanny taking care of newborns babies for 6 years with a Thai-Chinese family. My second job was as a nanny newborn for 2 years with a Thai family. My third job was as a nanny taking care of a newborn baby for 3 years with a Thai-Chinese family. And my last job was as a nanny newborn with a Thai-Chinese family for 4 months. Daily routine cleaning items kids, reading storytelling, feeding, changing clothes, taking a shower, taking a Nap, cooking for kids, child development, and doing household chores. I can sleep with kids and can travel on vacation with family. I can drive a motorcycle but I have no license. I can cook basic Thai food. I can handle a newborn baby. I can join to work with a family who has pets. I’m hardworking and flexible and a very patient, reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Ying, from Myanmar. I’m looking for a maid or nanny maid job. I prefer to live in. I have experience of 9.1 years. My first job was as a maid for 2 years with a Thai family. My second job was as a maid for 10 months with a Chinese family. My third job was as a maid and helper cooking for 6 years at a restaurant with a Thai family. My last job was as a temporary nanny maid taking care of children 1-year-old and a half with a Thai family for 3 months. Daily routine doing household chores, cleaning items kid, playing outdoor and indoors, feeding, taking a shower, taking a nap, children development. I can sleep with kids and can travel on vacation with family. I can join to work with a family who has pets. I am a very patient and reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Su, from Myanmar. I looking for a nanny newborn and nanny maid job. I prefer both to live in and live out. I have experience of 10 years. My first job was working as a maid with a Thai-Chinese family for 6 years. My duty was to do clean household chores and cook breakfast for the family. My second job was as a nanny newborn for 4 years with a Thai-Chinese family. Daily routine cleaning items kids, reading storybooks, childcare, feeding, changing clothes, taking a shower, taking a Nap, cooking for kids. I can sleep with kids and can travel on vacation with family. I can join to work with a family who has pets. I am a very patient and reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Nang, from Lao. I’m looking for a maid or elderly care job. I prefer to live in. I have experience of 6 years and a half. My first job was as a maid for 5 years with a Thai family. Daily routine household chores, grocery shopping, or errands help. My second job was as a maid & elderly care for 1 year and a half with a Thai-Chinese family, to take care of a woman 85 years old, she has kidney disease. My duty was to support her activities of daily routines of them such as cleaning, helping to walk, feeding, giving to a bath, and preparing food and medicine for her. I can cook basic Thai food. I can travel on vacation with family. I can’t work with a family who has pets. I’m hardworking and flexible and a very patient, reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Weall, from Lao. I’m looking for a nanny newborn or maid job. I prefer to live in. I have experience of 13 years. My first job was as a maid for 4 years with a Thai family. My second job was as a maid for 3 years with a Thai family, taking care of the elderly care aged 93 years old. And my last job was as a nanny newborn for 6 years with a Thai-England family. Daily routine cleaning items kid, playing outdoor and indoors, feeding, taking a shower, taking a nap, cooking for a baby and children development. I can sleep with kids and can travel on vacation with family. And I can join to work with a family who has pets. I am a very patient and reliable person. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.